Gulper Catfish
February 8th, 2014 — 2:49pm
An obligate predator by nature, but captive specimens readily accept strips of white fish, whole shrimp, earthworms, and similar once they are recognised as food.
Adult individuals are unlikely to require feeding on a daily basis with 1-2 meals per week sufficient.
3 comments » | Category: Siluriformes, The Rest
July 19th, 2013 — 4:37pm
All members of the family Auchenipteridae are thought to practise internal insemination and females can carry mature, unfertilised eggs and sperm packets inside the body for unspecified periods of time.
When conditions are satisfactory fertilisation is triggered and the eggs deposited, and there is n…
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Reticulated Driftwood Catfish
June 27th, 2013 — 8:55pm
The genus Centromochlus is diagnosable by members having the proximal anal-fin radials enlarged and fused to each other at the base, forming a single ossified structure.
It’s sometimes included in the putative subfa…
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March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm
Apparently this species is polymorphic with body patterning varying significantly depending on locality. Individuals collected from black water habitats tend to be noticeably darker in overall colouration, for example, with this being particularly evident among populations from the Guiana Shield.
The genus Ageneiosus was at one point classified in…
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March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm
The genus Ageneiosus was at one point classified in the family Ageneiosidae alongside the genus Tetranematichthys, but this was not accepted by all authors. The grouping remains poorly-studied with the last major revision having been conducted by Watson (1990) in his unpublished dissertation, in which A. inermis was included under the currently synonymous name A. brevifilis. It can be separated from the majority of the genus (except A. marmoratus) by possession of a truncate caudal fin, and from…
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Bottlenose Catfish
March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm
This species may also be seen on sale as 'Guyana slopehead catfish' 'dolphin catfish' or 'hammerhead catfish'. The attractive juvenile patterning is largely lost as the fish grow but this nevertheless remains an impressive predatory species for the larger aquarium.
The genus Ageneiosus was at one point classified in the family Ageneiosidae alongside the genus Tetranematichthys, but this was not accepted by all…
2 comments » | Category: Siluriformes, The Rest
Midnight Catfish
March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm
This species is also known by the alternative vernacular name of ‘Zamora woodcat’, and is often misidentified as A. thoracatus. The latter is a valid species and very similar to A. coracoideus in that the coracoid bone is exposed ventrally and covered only by a thin layer of integument in both species. The two differ principally in the number of anal fin rays…
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Product reviewers wanted
Hello! Very much interested in writing for you, please include me in the info. Thank you for the opportunity!
6th Sep 2020
Product reviewers wanted
I would be interested in reviewing products. Before retiring I was a technical writer and managed a Quality Management Program.
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I'm interested and can write reviews from the perspective of someone new to the hobby. I'm only 3-4 months in, but hopefully I can help someone that's...
23rd Aug 2020
Product reviewers wanted
I’m interested in doing this if there is still availability, it sounds like fun! Thanks
19th Aug 2020
Barbodes semifasciolatus – Golden Barb* (Barbus sachsii, Puntius schuberti)
I simply had a question (please forgive if this is not allowed, I read the FAQ but I was not sure). I was wondering if there is any evidence of offsp...
12th Aug 2020