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Alestopetersius nigropterus POLL, 1967

African Rainbow Tetra, Orange Flash Congo Tetra, Flammenkongosalmler (DE)

March 25th, 2013 — 8:17pm

This fish is normally traded as A. nigropterus or A. cf. ansorgii although neither appears to be its correct name meaning it remains unidentified at present.

A. nigropterus is a valid congener that is not in the aquarium trade with little to no export from Lake Mai-Ndombe, to which it is endemic, while A. ansorgii is a synonym of Nannopetersius ansorgii.

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Alestopetersius brichardi POLL, 1967

Cherry Red Congo Tetra, Brichard's Congo Tetra, Roter Kongosalmler (DE)

March 17th, 2013 — 7:48pm

This species is sometimes traded as ‘cherry red Congo tetra’ or ‘super red Congo tetra’ and has also been referred to using the misapplied names Alestopetersius nigropterus (a valid congener) and A. ansorgii (a synonym of Nannopetersius ansorgii).

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Aphyosemion decorsei (PELLEGRIN, 1904)

Decorse's Lyretail

March 21st, 2012 — 2:10pm

Type locality is the settlement of Bessou, Lobaye prefecture, Central African Republic, which lies within the Ubangi (also spelled Oubangui) River basin. The Ubangi is a major tributary of the Congo River and this species appears restricted to its middle section and thus probably extends into northern Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Aphyosemion congicum (AHL, 1924)

Congo Lyretail, Schwarzflossiger Prachtkärpfling (DE)

March 21st, 2012 — 1:55pm

The type series was derived from a commercial shipment and this species’ natural range remains unconfirmed. It may be restricted to the area between the Kwango and Gamba rivers, the latter a tributary of the former, in western Democratic Republic of Congo. The Kwango is itself a tributary of the Kasai, an affluent of the Congo.

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Aphyosemion cognatum MEINKEN, 1951

Red-Spotted Lyretail, Gepunkteter Prachtkärpfling (DE)

March 21st, 2012 — 1:00pm

The type material was derived from a commercial shipment of fishes from Leopoldville, now Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and presumed to have been collected in the vicinity. The precise extent of its distribution unknown but appears extensive in the middle and lower Congo regions, with specimen collected from Lac Fwa (Sankuru River drainage, a Congo River tributary), many hundreds of kilometres west of Kinshasa, identified as belonging to this species.

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'Barbus' candens NICHOLS & GRISCOM, 1917

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

B.candens is not really suitable for most community aquaria as it has something of a shy, retiring nature and may be intimidated or outcompeted for food by larger/more boisterous tankmates. Choose similarly-sized, peaceful African species such as ‘B.jae, Aplocheilichthys spp., Ladigesia roloffi or Lepidarchus adonis. We suspect it will also do ok with many small South American characins, Otocinclus or smaller Corydoras catfish and other cyprinids like Trigonostigma or Boraras species.

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'Barbus' hulstaerti POLL, 1945

African Butterfly Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

Two closely-related species are also found in the Congo basin and infrequently seen in the trade. ‘B.candens has been collected northeast of the range of ‘B.hulstaerti around the city of Kisangani (formerly Stanleyville) and nearby town of Yangambi. It can be distinguished from ‘B.hulstaerti by its paler body colouration, smaller dark markings on the body and red ventral and anal fins in males. ‘B.papillo is known only from its type locality close to the eastern town of Kindu between the Lualaba and Lomami rivers. It has an elongated central body marking and males possess black dorsal, ventral and anal fins.

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'Barbus' jae BOULENGER, 1903

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

Although gregarious by nature it is a shoaling rather than schooling species which develops a distinct pecking order between males. It should ideally be maintained in a group of 8 or more but the tank must be of a sufficient size which will allow weaker individuals some respite from dominant conspecifics and decorated in such a way that many broken lines of sight are provided. Conversely if kept singly, in a very small group or in cramped conditions it can become withdrawn and subdominant fish may be bullied incessantly.

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'Barbus' holotaenia BOULENGER, 1904

Spotscale Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species is native to Central West Africa where it is principally found in the great Ogooué and Congo River systems. It therefore has an extensive range and has been recorded at numerous localities right across the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from the Ituri River in the far east of the country to the Luki River basin in the extreme west.

The Congo River appears to represent the southernmost limit of its range as a…

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Neolamprologus pulcher (TREWAVAS & POLL, 1952)


March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

Deservedly one of the most popular Tanganyikan species available in the hobby, N. brichardi is ideal for newcomers to both Rift Lake cichlids and cichlids in general, being beautiful and easy to keep and breed. It is seen for sale under several common names including "Fairy Cichlid", "Lyretail Cichlid" and "Princess of Burundi". There are several colour morphs available, although these do not vary much in patterning, and an albino form is also occasionally available…

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