January 3rd, 2015 — 3:07pm
Despite its extensive natural distribution S. lilith is uncommon in the ornamental trade, where it is sometimes referred to as ‘one-spotted demon fish’ or ‘one spot eartheater’.
It can be distinguished from other members of the genus by possessing a single dark blotch on the flank and a prominent ocellus at the caudal-fin base. Among the named species it is most similar to S. daemon, but that species possesses two blotches on the flank.
Comment » | Category: Cichlids, Perciformes
Pantanal Eartheater
January 3rd, 2015 — 1:00pm
S. pappaterra is relatively rare in the ornamental trade and much sought after by enthusiasts.
It is easily distinguished from all known congeners by presence of a series of prominent black blotches beneath the dorsal-fin, plus a well-defined dark band extending along the side of the body. In recent genetic analyses its genetic distinctness was strongly supported, with S. jurupari and S. leucosticta its closest relatives.
Comment » | Category: Cichlids, Perciformes
C026, C046
December 11th, 2014 — 3:42pm
Prior to description C. kanei was assigned the ‘C’ numbers C026 and C046.
Among congeners it is most easily-confused with, and sometimes traded as, C. atropersonatus, but can be identified by presence (vs. absence in C. atropersonatus) of dark markings in the anal and caudal fins, presence of numerous, smaller (vs. fewer, larger) dark spots on the body, and an overall darker (vs. paler) base colouration.
Comment » | Category: Armoured Catfishes, Siluriformes
January 2nd, 2014 — 6:47pm
This species has been recorded from the Guaporé, Madeira, Branco, Trombetas, and Urubu river systems within the Amazon river basin, Brazil.
Type locality is ‘Igarapé Jatuarana, 5 kilometers above Samuel, Rio Guaporé, Rondonia, Brazil’.
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, Tetras
March 19th, 2013 — 9:03am
Both species also possesses a broader dark midlateral stripe on the body which tends to be more well-defined in B. lateristriga than in B. maculata.
Colour pattern in B. maculata varies considerably with some specimens noticeably paler than others, for example, and the the broad midlateral stripe usually less intense in such individuals.
This does not app…
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, The Rest
March 18th, 2013 — 12:29pm
It’s known by various vernacular names including ‘Pirá-pacu’, ‘Pira-pucu’ or ‘Diente de cao’ (central Amazon), ‘Bicuda’ or ‘Uena’ (rio Tocantins), ‘Bicuda’ (rio Tapajós), ‘Aguejeta’ or ‘Picua’ (Venezuela), and ‘Moruwi’ or ‘Pirapoko’ (Guyana).
The entire dorsal-fin base is located anteriorly to a vertical through the anal-fin origin and this character distinguishes it from all other ctenolucids except B. lucius and B. xyrekes.
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, The Rest
March 13th, 2013 — 11:13pm
This species is rare in the aquarium trade but is arguably more suitable for the home aquarium than some of its better-known relatives given its adult size and relatively docile behaviour.
Other vernacular names include ‘Dientón’ (Peru), ‘Perrito’ (Ecuador), ‘Payara-chata’ or ‘Payarin’ (Venezuela) and ‘Icanga’, ‘Minguilista’ or ‘Peice-cachorro’ (Brazil), some of which are also applied to related species.
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, The Rest
Twostripe Pencilfish
October 23rd, 2012 — 1:48pm
Native to the central Amazon basin with records existing from the Madeira, Branco, Trombetas, and Tapajós river drainages, plus the Rupununi basin in Guyana. Although an affluent of the rio Essequibo and thus not officially part of the Amazon basin, the latter is connected to the rio Takutu, a tributary of the upper rio Branco, during the annual wet season.
Type locality is given by Fowler as ‘Rio Madeira about 200 miles east of W. Long. 62°20′, Brazil’.
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, Pencilfishes & ‘Splashing Tetras’
March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm
At time of writing there exists no scientific evidence that the different populations of this species seen in the aquarium trade (see 'Distribution') represent anything other than a single, widely-distributed species although some exibit minor morphological differences including relative body depth, longer fin rays in the unpaired fins and yellow or orange colouration in the paired fins. There is apparently a form from the upper rio Negro which may turn out to be distinct but it's…
Comment » | Category: Cichlids, Perciformes
Chocolate Talking Catfish, Chocolate Raphael, Gestreifter Dornwels (DE)
March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm
This species, which may also be referred to by the alternative vernacular names 'spiny catfish', 'painted talking catfish' or 'chocolate raphael', isn't particularly common in the trade and most often exported only as bycatch among shipments of Platydoras armatulus. It appears very similar to A. cataphractus with the most useful external distinguishing character being the presence of pale blotches on the dorsal surface, between the dorsal and caudal fins, in….
Comment » | Category: Siluriformes, Talking Catfishes
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