Grass Carp
September 30th, 2014 — 12:57pm
Despite being a wholly unsuitable aquarium subject, C. idella is often traded as such, with an albino form having been developed specifically for the ornamental market.
Individuals which have outgrown their aquarium or pond should never be released into natural waters, either, since this species has proven capable of causing serious environmental damage under a wide range of climatic conditions.
Comment » | Category: Cypriniformes, The Rest
Alligator Gar
March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm
This is one of the largest freshwater fish species in the world, and clearly shouldn’t be considered a home aquarium subject at all given its eventual size and the fact it can live for well in excess of 50 years. We include it here only because some public aquaria are able to maintain it long-term.
Unfortunately, juveniles are seen for sale quite regularly in the aquari…
1 comment » | Category: Lepisosteiformes, The Rest
Spotted Gar
March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm
Known from Great Lakes Erie and Michigan with distribution extending south through the Mississippi River basin to the Gulf of Mexico drainages where it’s said to occur between the lower Apalachicola River in Florida and the Nueces River in Texas.
It may also be found in the Rio Grande which forms the border between Mexico and the United States further south where records include Falcon International Reservoir, for example.
Comment » | Category: Lepisosteiformes, The Rest
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I would be interested in reviewing products. Before retiring I was a technical writer and managed a Quality Management Program.
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I'm interested and can write reviews from the perspective of someone new to the hobby. I'm only 3-4 months in, but hopefully I can help someone that's...
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I’m interested in doing this if there is still availability, it sounds like fun! Thanks
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