Herzog's Lyretail, Herzogs Prachtkärpfling (DE)
March 21st, 2012 — 2:47pm
Described from northern Gabon, close to ‘Zoumoukou’, which is seeen on modern maps as ‘Zomoko’, but has a much wider distribution extending into Equatorial Guinea (upper parts of some Benito River tributaries), and southern Cameroon (Ntem River), as well as the Ivindo and Okano drainages in Gabon, the latter pair both tributaries of the much larger Ogooué system.
Comment » | Category: Aplocheiloid Toothcarps, Cyprinodontiformes
March 21st, 2012 — 10:35am
Known only from the Batéké plateau region and surrounding area in southeastern Gabon where it’s been recorded from the Léconi-Djouya and upper Mpassa rivers, these forming a portion of the much larger Ogooué basin. Type locality is ‘6 km west of Léconi’, the latter presumably referring to the settlement of that name.
4 comments » | Category: Aplocheiloid Toothcarps, Cyprinodontiformes
Bochtler's Lyretail, Bochtlers Prachtkärpfling (DE)
March 21st, 2012 — 8:51am
Described from a rainforest stream near the settlement of Mintoum, northern Gabon and has a wider distribution in the upper Ivindo River basin, a tributary of the larger Ogooué system.
Thi species was considered synonymous with the congener A. herzogi Radda 1975 for a number of years but is currently recognised as distinct.
Comment » | Category: Aplocheiloid Toothcarps, Cyprinodontiformes
Spotscale Barb
March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm
This species is native to Central West Africa where it is principally found in the great Ogooué and Congo River systems. It therefore has an extensive range and has been recorded at numerous localities right across the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from the Ituri River in the far east of the country to the Luki River basin in the extreme west.
The Congo River appears to represent the southernmost limit of its range as a…
2 comments » | Category: Barbs & relatives, Cypriniformes
African Blackfin Barb
March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm
A stylish-looking but rare barb in the hobby and unfortunately little information is available regarding its captive care. Forum member Andy Rushworth has kept a lone individal and told us it was a perfect aquarium inhabitant in terms of behaviour and maintenance. He also mentioned that the fish he had looked exactly like the specimen in our images but that he has seen at least one batch of what appeared to be a different species imported under the same na…
Comment » | Category: Barbs & relatives, Cypriniformes
March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm
This species was present in the hobby for some time prior to being officially described and the spectacular red fish first exported by Pierre Brichard in the 1960s appears to be a regional form of it. It was also known variously as Nanochromis sp. 'Bamanja', N. sp. 'Genema', N. sp. 'Makoua' and N. sp. Bloody Mary' prior to description, and continues to be mislabelled as N. squamiceps on trade lists.
Diagnosis of C. sabinae is possible via a combination of c…
Comment » | Category: Cichlids, Perciformes
Six-barred Panchax
March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm
Distributed throughout coastal regions north and westwards from Gabon through Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin and Togo as far as Ghana although some consider it restricted to northwestern Gabon and Equatorial Guinea with the remaining populations representing various subspecies (see ‘Notes’).
Type locality is ‘Gaboon River’, which presumably refe…
Comment » | Category: Aplocheiloid Toothcarps, Cyprinodontiformes
Red-Striped Lyretail, Gestreifter Prachtkärpfling (DE)
March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm
Appears restricted to the area between the lower Mitmele River, Equatorial Guinea and the lower Ogooué basin in Gabon, including coastal drainages such as the Mbei, Komo and Gabon watersheds in between.
Type locality is ‘Abanga River, between first and second rapids, Ogowe River system, Gabon’, corresponding to the Abanga River bas…
9 comments » | Category: Aplocheiloid Toothcarps, Cyprinodontiformes
Broken-Line Lyretail, Rotpunkt Prachtkärpfling (DE)
March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm
This species is not an annual fish, being found in permanent bodies of water in nature. Over 20 different forms of it have been discovered at different localities and a handful have been given subspecific names. The most popular in the aquarium hobby include A. o. ottogartneri and A. o. pyrophore, both of which were initially described as separate species.
7 comments » | Category: Aplocheiloid Toothcarps, Cyprinodontiformes
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