Sailfin 'Cory'
February 17th, 2015 — 1:33pm
Known from minor rivers in the coastal states of São Paolo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, plus some tributaries of the rio Paraná basin in Paraguay.
Type locality is ‘Paranaguá, 25°32’S, 48°36’W, Paraná, Brazil’.
Comment » | Category: Armoured Catfishes, Siluriformes
Pantanal Eartheater
January 3rd, 2015 — 1:00pm
S. pappaterra is relatively rare in the ornamental trade and much sought after by enthusiasts.
It is easily distinguished from all known congeners by presence of a series of prominent black blotches beneath the dorsal-fin, plus a well-defined dark band extending along the side of the body. In recent genetic analyses its genetic distinctness was strongly supported, with S. jurupari and S. leucosticta its closest relatives.
Comment » | Category: Cichlids, Perciformes
February 8th, 2014 — 1:27pm
A. taurus can be told apart from congeners by the following combination of characters: infraorbitals and preopercle covered by thick skin and not visible externally (vs. covered by thin skin and externally visible in other Aspidoras); nuchal plate reduced, covered by thick skin and not visible externally (vs. well developed, covered by thin skin and visible externally); lateral line absent posterior to two small lateral line ossicles (vs. lateral line present on at least first body plate).
Comment » | Category: Armoured Catfishes, Siluriformes
July 5th, 2013 — 9:26am
This species has been traded as ‘six-eyed tetra’ in reference to its colour pattern comprising two dark spots on each flank plus the eye.
Based on the extensive review of the genus by Lucena and Malabarba (2010), in which nine new species were described, P. tegatus can be told apart from congeners by the following combination of characters: lateral line incomplete with 8-13 perforated scales; laterally elongate humera…
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, Tetras
Giant Brochis
June 18th, 2013 — 10:37pm
Brochis was first synonymised with Corydoras by Britto (2003), since the latter genus cannot be considered monophyletic if the former is accepted as valid. This decision has been supported in subsequent phylogenetic studies by Shimabukuro-Dias et al. (2004) and Alexandrou et al. (2011), although the name Brochis is still common in aquarium literature. It is likely that the genus will be revalidated and expanded in the future following a required taxonomic review of the subfamily Corydoradinae as suggested by Alexandrou and Taylor (2011).
Comment » | Category: Armoured Catfishes, Siluriformes
LDA 008, Gold Marble Bristlenose
March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm
This species is sometimes confused with unidentified fishes such as A. sp. ‘L352’.
It can be told apart from closely-related congeners by possession of relatively long maxillary barbels which are free from the lower lip, and a colour pattern consisting of small spots on the head and vermiform lines on the body in males, and small spots all over the head and body in females.
1 comment » | Category: Siluriformes, Suckermouth Armoured Catfishes
Spotfin Hatchetfish
March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm
T. stellatus is superficially similar to its only congener T. securis, but can immediately be identified by the presence (vs. absence) of a prominent dark spot in the dorsal-fin. It is sometimes traded as ‘platinum hatchetfish’.
The genus Thoracocharax was originally erected by Fowler in 1906 as a subgenus of Gasteropelecus, but was elevated to generic status by Weitzman (1960).
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, Hatchetfishes
Black Phantom Tetra
March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm
The majority of records pertain to the rio Guaporé (Río Iténez in Bolivia), the main affluent of the rio Mamoré, which drains the vast tropical wetland known as the Pantanal, and the upper rio Paraguai, which also has its headwaters in the Pantanal but flows in the opposite direction. The Guaporé and Paraguai are connected due to rising water levels during the annual wet season.
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, Tetras
Black Neon Tetra
March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm
This species has been a ubiquitous aquarium fish since its discovery, and is produced on a commercial basis in several countries, therefore wild fish are no longer collected. An ornamental albino form is sometimes available.
Apart from its distinctive colour pattern, it can be identified from related species via the following combination of charac…
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, Tetras
Serpae Tetra
March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm
This species is very common in the aquarium trade and is also referred to as ‘jewel’, ‘red minor’, ‘blood’, or ‘callistus’ tetra.
A number of selectively-bred ornamental strains have been developed, including ‘metallic’, ‘long-finned’, ‘balloon’ and ‘fairy-fin’.
Characiformes is among the most diverse orders of freshwa…
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, Tetras
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Hello! Very much interested in writing for you, please include me in the info. Thank you for the opportunity!
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I would be interested in reviewing products. Before retiring I was a technical writer and managed a Quality Management Program.
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I'm interested and can write reviews from the perspective of someone new to the hobby. I'm only 3-4 months in, but hopefully I can help someone that's...
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I’m interested in doing this if there is still availability, it sounds like fun! Thanks
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