Roman Nose Angelfish
January 10th, 2021 — 7:52pm
Pterophyllum leopoldi can be differentiated from other members of the genus by the presence of up to 11 vertical stripes on the body, though often only the 3 largest, boldest stripes can be seen. This species also shows a dark patch over the operculum.
In adult specimens, a red/maroon hue over the back and fins is characteristic of the species, leading some to believe the most colourful natural form Angelfish.
The name-sake roman nose possessed by the fish is also very distinctive and used as a meristic feature.
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A220, A221, A222
March 26th, 2012 — 10:46am
This species is assigned the codes A220, A221 and A222 under the DATZ ‘A’ number system with these referring to similar-looking, possibly conspecific, populations.
These differ in some aspects of colour pattern, particularly the orientation of the caudal-fin markings which may be horizontal, vertical, or somewhere inbetween.
One population displays an orange colouration on the belly and is som…
Comment » | Category: Cichlids, Perciformes
Banded Leporinus
March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm
This species is also referred to as ‘black-anded leporinus’, ‘striped leporinus’ and ‘eight-banded leporinus’.
Young specimens are often traded for aquaria without warning as to their potential size and requirements, and as a result it’s fairly ubiquitous in public aquarium displays.
Comment » | Category: Characiformes, Headstanders
Product reviewers wanted
Hello! Very much interested in writing for you, please include me in the info. Thank you for the opportunity!
6th Sep 2020
Product reviewers wanted
I would be interested in reviewing products. Before retiring I was a technical writer and managed a Quality Management Program.
30th Aug 2020
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I'm interested and can write reviews from the perspective of someone new to the hobby. I'm only 3-4 months in, but hopefully I can help someone that's...
23rd Aug 2020
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I’m interested in doing this if there is still availability, it sounds like fun! Thanks
19th Aug 2020
Barbodes semifasciolatus – Golden Barb* (Barbus sachsii, Puntius schuberti)
I simply had a question (please forgive if this is not allowed, I read the FAQ but I was not sure). I was wondering if there is any evidence of offsp...
12th Aug 2020